➤ Struggling to balance the drive for individual success and focusing on romantic connection.
➤ Frustrated from not understanding each other & repeating yourselves because you speak different emotional ‘languages.'
➤ Growth in individual goals (like work), but don’t feel that same growth within relationship.
➤ Busy with all the roles you play in life, want effective performance (communication & conflict resolution) to be the best partner you can be.
➤ Tired from not having found the principles that resonate for your specific relationship challenges.
THESE areas
➤ Effective Communication - less time spent arguing & being frustrated
➤ Conflict Resolution - move past any arguments faster with understanding
➤ Money Mindset - #1 wealth principle for security & enjoyment
➤ Intimacy - raise emotional & physical connection/passion
➤ Goal Setting & Achieving - on the same page, creating a common vision
➤ Roles & Responsibilities - powerfully handle challenges in life together
➤ Decision-making - faster, without resentment or doubt